Alabama Department of Labor Region 2 County Profiles
AIDT is an agency under the supervision of the Alabama Department of Commerce that assists employers throughout the state by identifying qualified applicant pools and providing recruitment, screening and training services. AIDT has training locations throughout the state and their training services are offered, at no cost, to new and expanding businesses. Applicants who successfully complete AIDT job-specific training programs are recommended for employment with the company for whom services are provided.
Alabama Office of Apprenticeship
Apprenticeships afford participants a chance to earn money while they learn in a non-traditional classroom setting. The earn-and-learn model provides apprentices an opportunity to see a direct relation between their increasing skills and increasing wages. Apprenticeship programs are one of the most effective ways to reach our labor force participation and attainment goals and to ensure that Alabamians are on career pathways leading to economic mobility and self sufficiency.
Alabama Career Essentials
Alabama’s Ready to Work program, operated by the Alabama Community College System in cooperation with AIDT, provides a career pathway for individuals with limited education and employment experience. Ready to Work’s workplace environment provides trainees the entry-level skills required for employment with most businesses and industries in Alabama. Training is provided at no cost to participants. The Ready to Work curriculum is set to standards cited by business and industry employers throughout the state, and the skills cited in the U. S. Department of Labor’s Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Reports. Upon successful completion of the program and earning 70 percent or higher on comprehensive assessments, graduates will receive the Alabama Certified Worker (ACW) Certificate, issued by AIDT, and the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), issued by ACT.
ALSDE Career and Technical Education
The Career and Technical Education/Workforce Development Division is focused on helping students achieve success through leadership development, career awareness, and academic excellence. This division also provides service to Alabama’s teachers, education administrators, and counselors through professional development that works to further K-12 student achievement and project-based learning.
Alabama Technology Network
The Alabama Technology Network is part of the Alabama Community College System and has extensive training and service offerings for business and industry, helping to improve the competitiveness of Alabama’s existing industries by providing specialized training to Alabama manufacturers. Programs include Lean Manufacturing, Quality Systems and Engineering, Information Technology, Human Resources and Organizational Development, Environmental Safety and Health (ES&H), Business Services/Strategic Management, Industrial Maintenance, and Engineering and Technical Services.
East AlabamaWorks
is here to help.
East AlabamaWorks holds four Quarterly Workforce Meetings each year. Those meetings are held in January, April, July and October.
The Board of Directors for East AlabamaWorks also meets on a quarterly basis. Those meetings are held in February, May, August and November.
The East AlabamaWorks Industry Sector meetings are held quarterly in March, June, September and December.
Contact us with any other questions or inquiries that you have, and we will do our best to get you the answers you need.

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Get Connected with Your Regional Workforce Council
East AlabamaWorks represents a seven-county region covering Calhoun, Cherokee, Clay, Cleburne, Etowah, Randolph and Talladega. We are led by local businesses and industry leaders and are one of seven regional councils in the state of Alabama. The council is a coalition of leaders in business and industry, education providers and trainers, and municipalities. Providing short-term and long-term solutions for closing the skills gaps is one of our most important goals. Council members work together to maximize workforce efforts throughout the region and to ensure alignment of resources to address local priorities. The mission of East AlabamaWorks is to ensure there is a pipeline of a skilled and ready workforce to meet the demands of business both now and in the future.